Saturday, November 25, 2006

I love this man!

People laugh at Monty Panesar’s fielding. Some say his batting is weak, but this man and his colleague Mahmood have done wonders for race relations and, er-hum, English cricket of course. I say, if Geoff Boycott likes him, then I do too. Some even Laugh at Monty's "comical" celebrations, but they criticise his celebration. That is just how you would celebrate if you were in East Africa let me tell you. I find him hilariously funny. At work, I told colleagues that Monty reminded me of the character in the film, "The Jewel of the Nile", he was the Jewel, and Monty is a Jewel.

You know the film with Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone and that comical short fellow from the film Matilda. Me, I laugh with Monty, not at him. He has brought the wonderful game of English cricket to life with his enigmatic celebrations. Go Monty Go. Yo Monty, Yo Monty. This man will make such a difference to marginalised youth. I have to say that those Islamic people that referrred to Mahmood as a traitor, were not only out of order, but racist. Why? Because they could not deal with their own prejudices. Go Mahmood, go. These guys will be a Force in English cricket. I reckon I saw Monty on the motorway, but cannot be sure. The number plate on a Merc, a bloody big Merc, it read M8 NTY I think, damnded if I'm checking PNC though. No way!


PC South West said...

Monty is a great inspiration to young cricketers and I would have him playing not Giles.

Twining says: said...

PC South West, the term inspiration is the word I was looking for. That is what some kids on estates need, not the bad ASBO ones, but the good one's that are trying to find a way out. Then there are those n the middle who want to stand up to those kids that are "bad" and then lose their way themselves. Monty is fantastic and Mahmood is excellent too.