Monday, February 19, 2007

Gun Crime - What all Inspectors might be doing?

By Order of The Twining Act 2007, Section 3 relates to the posession and use of Firearms:

  1. Where gun crimes is a problem Inspectors to proactively double deploy. Best value goes out of the window here.

  2. LIO's are to identify the types of areas where offender smight carry firearms, clubs, street corners, schools, etc. Consider deployment of dedicated Police Officers in high schools. Home Office bods do not have a clue.

  3. Increase the use of dedicated armed patrols to support unarmed officers.

  4. Expect an increase in the use of powers to search supported by on site armed officers and other dedicated personnel, e.g. dog units. Be aware that this may mean more Black people are stopped. Therefore it is critical that officers don't use this to practice prejudices and some do.

  5. A drop in the age in legislation might put younger people away, but other people will simply replace them if this is about gang and turf wars. I am afraid reducing the age is just another Colonial answer. The answer is not necessarily therefore in age legislation.

  6. The answer lies in combatting the crimes associated with gun crime and addressing the reason why these youths are carrying guns. Putting them away may just "harden" them or lead to their death. And Black deaths in custidy are alseady an issue of concern. CUSTDOY includes the prison service anD based on what happened to a MUBARAK this is not the way forward.

  7. Also, ban the manufacture, and sale of replica weapons that are easily converitble.

  8. Ban the idea of holding a father responsible and ask Cameron to go back, have another spliff and reconsider this . This is a ludicrous idea. Realise that Cameron is very anti police.

Here-with and today I pass this section of the Twining Act

by order of me, Section 3.


Anonymous said...

It just seems so unfair - all the legislation tightening up gun ownership and the only people that seem to be able to get them are criminals. Perhaps we should all become criminals?

cookie monster said...

you can legislate all you like, there wil always be guns available.

they were easy to get hold of back in the 70's and 80's and theyre just as easy now. the only difference being the fact they are somewhat cheaper thats all

Anonymous said...

My friend, you are missing the point.
Ownership/possession of firearms is not the problem. It is the use of firearms that is the problem. Bliar disarmed the common people, and now only chavscum (and richscum) have easy access to firearms.

Fortunately, to date, it has been rather a dog-eat-dog situation, with scum killing scum. Just look at Manchester!

Why should we feel sad when a 15 year old drug trafficker is shot by his 17 year old neighbour drug user. The more the merrier.

Twining says: said...

But what if the victim is innocent?

Anonymous said...

If the victim is innocent its very sad, as ws the case in manchester in september. However, often they are not innocent, that 15 year old killed in clapham had been involved of disposing of the body of another gun victim. Before he was shot we, as a society, would have wanted him off the streets. The fellow gang members of the 2 that stabbed that lawyer in kensal green have just been found guilty of between 150-200 horrendous muggings- Including one where they held a gun to a girls head and threatened to rape her. Faced with a large gang of guys she was hardly likely to refuse to hand over her purse, so why the need for such exteme violence. If they had been shot that would have been 150-200 less victims. Another 25 year old girl has critical braindamage from a recent mugging in the same area. Its sad but true that all of these perpetrators are black but to say so is not discriminatory it is fact and one that John Stevens accepted. In the 1980's my irish builder dad, like many of his peers, was regularly stopped and subjected to terrifying expereinces by armed police as her drove around central london in a van. Was that racist?? Yes, but it made sense as he was substantially more likely to be a bomber than a black or asian guy.
Of course police should not use stop and search as a racism tool but, in south london today a young black male is much more likely to be carrying a gun than an irish guy. Cathching him may stop another 'innocent' killing.
No-one wants to see individual people or races singled out, but lets not let that stop us recognising the blatently obvious.

And as for the recent spate of shootings.... What goes around comes around.

Anonymous said...

Thank you anonymous.

I could hardly have put it better myself.

Twining says: said...

But why is there Black on Black gun crime then?

Anonymous said...

Thank you original!

I think there is black on black crime because people who operate in similar circles always compete with each other. In the nhs we call this 'tribalism', this is where say, the psychologists dislike the psychiatrists and bitch and try to show up/ get one over on the other. And its rife in there, everyone is so precious about what role / status / patients / resources and rooms are theirs. This b on b thing is just the same. The brotherhood of love was alive and well when they had a common 'enemy'. Throughout humankind that unites people, but that has subsided and now they are united by whichever urban hole they are from and whichever deals /'business' earns them a living. It appears to be that they turn on each other because they step on each others toes in 'work' and play. I doubt they spare much thought for each others colour anymore than white on white football thugs do. And thats before you get onto whatever weird thing men throughout the ages have had with territory.. Back to my dad but, when he was a kid in an irish town if a lad went into an estate he didnt live in he'd be likely to get taunted or attacked. that was white on white and the only thing that differentiated them was about 1 mile of track! Its just a male thing I think.. Even my tom cat sits out the back, hissing and flicking his tail at any other toms that come near the house or his cat nip. The difference in the ganglands are they have guns, and yardies to set examples and so the stakes are therefore higher.

Anonymous said...

PS black in blue.. why do you think there is black on black gun crime?

Anonymous said...


You ask "Why is there black on black gun crime?"

What a strange question. It is almost as if you think that black people should somehow be different to the rest of society.

Do you really mean to espouse the "separate but equal" theory propounded by racialists down the years? I can't believe it!

Anyway, in answering your question, it does not seem necessary to make any reference to the colour of the criminals and their victims; there is black on black gun crime for exactly the same reason that there is gun crime: it is scum using weapons to exert control.

Yet Another Anonymous

Twining says: said...

Last anonymous, I value what yopu say, in fact I value what you all say, but gun crime is prevalent in the Black community. The kids that commit this crime have nothing, no aspirations, no futures. So, gun crime is not just a police problem, it is a societal problem.

Twining says: said...

I don't see gun crime to this extent in the White community.

Anonymous said...

black in blue

You rush to beg the question, my friend...
(One could produce scientifically exact, but politically incorrect analyses by the dozen.)

Anyway, why DO you think there is black on black gun crime? (Other than the racially neutral reason given above, "scum using weapons to exert control".)

Any answer you offer would be very interesting, especially as you say that you "don't see gun crime to this extent in the White community". Are "whites" less prone to this sort of violence then, for some reason or other?

Perhaps it is just that the white guys don't have enough money to get guns, or they find better things to spend their money on, or perhaps they don't care enough to use guns...
...or perhaps because they feel part of a deep-rooted and sincerely caring community (but, I don't think the latter is true)...

Don't ask us for answers; we have to live in it, and so our answers are too facile, and too politically incorrect.

You are the blackinblue;
it is your blog: go for it!

If you produce the true, honest and acceptable answer, you will be declared an everlasting part of the English establishment (whether you want to be or not).

A clue: the problem boils down to one of respect; for some reason some black people do not seem to respect other black people. It is a type of racial discrimination, if you like.

How sad.

Best wishes

Last Anonymous

Twining says: said...

Damn it anonymous, you are making me think. Best wishes. I will come back. This is tribal warfare.

Anonymous said...

black in blue:

While I am pleased to have made you think, I do hope that your warfare is not with me...

Best wishes

Last Anonymous

Anonymous said...

Blackinblue I think we have a similar outlook on things. So, will this be enough for last anon to delare you and englishman?! whatever that is!

And I agree that this is definately not just a police problem. The police cant change the world and shouldnt have to. its a massive cultural shift that needs to happen within the societies the guncrime is occuring. If guns were no longer seen as cool and a means of commanding respect they wouldnt be a problem. Simialrly aspirations to be more than a criminal would help. Realistic aspirations would help to, rather than the familar footballer / superstar nonsense. Rio Ferdinand's brother -cant remember his name- was in peckham the other day to show that a black boy from the estates of peckham can get out and do well. Well thats great, but we're only going to disillusion these boys further if we lead them to think they can all become premiership footballers. Every day in the commute I see black guys suited and booted off to the city, I personally know many who do worthwhile jobs in the public sector.. Why not get some of them down to peckham and help stop the all or nothing mentality that prevails.

At the risk of sounding like david cameron, we also need rid of the whole baby mother thing! If the Dad's stuck around a bit more then maybe the boys would look upto them rather than the ever present yardies.

I also agree with last anon on the racism within black communites. From my expereince the jamaicans seem to be the ones I hear black people complaining about but I really do not think this is why they shoot each other. Alot of the black people who moan about other black people are law abiding, and dislike the other lot for their criminality. And alot of the shootinh is jamican on jamican. and really, this whole baby mother, gun, drug thing is more typical of there than africa. My relative recently moved there; about 1 in 10 work, they live in what we'd call makeshift housing and promiscuity if rife... If she goes to the beach she's endlessly propositioned for sex!!!

It just sounded like an extreme version of our london ghettos.
Unfortunately, if this is what jamican culture is like the whitehall equality dudes will never agree to try and change it. That wouldnt show respect for diversity, even if it would show respect for life.

Middle anon!

Twining says: said...

My warfare is not with anyone that is genuine anon. Take care. Basically we are in the mire.....Terrorism exists within Islam and gun crime exists within the Black community.

Anonymous said...

If everyone had honest access to weapons, gun crime would decrease very rapidly indeed.

But Bliar disarmed the people, telling us that we could trust him to protect us.

Only those that don't respect Bliar commit gun crimes.

It is a wonder that there are not a lot more (gun crimes).

May Bliar rot.

Sorry, Another Anonymous

Anonymous said...


You still have not given your considered opinion as to why there is black on black gun crime.

If you don't speak soon, then we will will be obliged to accept the generally expressed opinion that the cause of it is "scum on scum".

(And to be honest, I see guys that can't even reason nor read nor write, being given jobs above more qualified applicants, just because they "is coloured/black or whatever.)

Say no to separate but equal; that is the racialists' temptation.

Speak up and speak out, brother.

Last Anonymous

Anonymous said...

You are a clever crafty person.

People leave remarks here and you open a new blogcomment to reply.

And... why not answer the question?
(You haven't done so in your fresh entry, just what are you trying to hide?)

Are all English police officers as crafty as you are?

Twining says: said...

I am not trying to hide anything.

Ruwan Uduwerage-Perera said...

Dear Anonymous, I am a Police Officer, but not 'English', for that matter neither is Black in Blue (English that is in the racialised sense), so to ask a non-English person what ‘they’ should be like is somewhat odd and very ethnocentric and perhaps any answer could be deemed as racist.

Anyway back to the issue at hand.

In a past life I have worked with members of Operation Trident and the Lambeth Independent Advisory Group (IAG) who originally coined the phrase Black on Black’. Interestingly enough I have asked why they actually used this term when we do not speak of white on white murder (for most murders are committed by white people and white people are the victims. Some of the members of the IAG acknowledged that this term has actually done more harm than good for this very reason; crime is not a racialised phenomenon but has many other causes.

One cannot racialise crime so easily as is happening at the moment. Possibly accessibility to weapons as well as the glamorising of certain crimes leads some groups who are already disenfranchised and marginalised from wider society to adopt certain practices which the ‘Majority’ populace will find abhorrent.

Let’s do as Mr Tony Blair stated he was going to do ‘get tough on the courses of crime’. Legislation is all well and good as a previous writer has stated, but unless we start to actually look and research the courses of crime then we will only ever be playing catch up. The Community Cohesion Agenda that was started post 2001 disorder in some of our Northern Towns started to look at this very issue and sought to identify trigger causes could lead to an escalation of problems. This process was to be adopted by all statutory agencies and they would judge which agencies were most appropriate to intervene and when? Mr Ted Cantle of the Cantle report has spent much time as have other groups and individuals researching and identifying such problems. You may now rightly ask so what has happened now? This is a valid question and it should be passed to those people who constantly look for tick box and immediate responses who lead our governmental agencies.

Deprivation, fragmentation, and marginalisation of communities and individuals is a the common factor in the committing of most crime. Take away these catalysts and one sees a reduction in crime anything else is shorterminism. Being tough on the offenders without changing the environment that lead to their criminality will not change a thing.

Who is at fault, perhaps all of us, for we vote the governments in and rarely actually challenge their actions once in power in a meaningful manner. Sad but perhaps true………..